Title: TeamPage 6.1.15

Traction® TeamPage version 6.1.15 is focused on a small set of bug fixes and other changes.

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Bug Fixes

• Fixed an issue that prevented a value from being displayed beneath "Number of failed authentication attempts since last successful attempt" on the "Your Recent Authentication History" page displayed when administrators have configured the server to require users to review their recent authentication history on login. (Server80954)

• Fixed a bug that caused TeamPage to try to list the contents of non-existent directories in certain document-oriented views such as the Project > Documents view, or to try to treat valid URLs referring to files as though they were directories. (Proteus14200)

• Fixed a bug that prevented the "quoted" context for tasks that are bound to an entry (or a particular paragraph in an entry) from appearing when the task appears in the context of a section within an entry, or a project or milestone dashboard. (JPBO10740)

Signature Requirements

• Modified the way that inactive users are rendered when appearing in signature requirement summary tables to make it obvious that they are inactive. (6b08ed547c44)

Other Changes

• Modified the way the Social Enterprise Web (SEW) Share, Comment and Task forms work so that the selection of Space is remembered the next time the form is re-opened. (Server81006)

• Modified the way that some in-page actions work when launched from an entry or paragraph's hover menu -- e.g., loading an inline comment form -- to avoid the possibility of the page becoming unresponsive in certain cases while the action is being executed. (Proteus14106)

• Modified the way that most general request failures are reported so that the status message bar at the bottom of the page will be displayed with the relevant error message instead of using the browser's native (and modal) alert dialogs to do so. We hope this will make error reporting as unobtrusive as possible while still ensuring that users are aware when general navigation/request errors occur. When issues that may represent defects or configuration issues are encountered, users will still have an opportunity to report them using TeamPage's "Send Feedback to Traction Software" form. (Proteus6525)

• The PayPal widget that has long been shipped with TeamPage has been moved to a plug-in. If you want or need this widget, please download the current version of the com.traction.widget.paypal plug-in here.

Article: Customer4914 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog, :Doc:R61
Date: May 20, 2016; 9:25:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep