Title: TeamPage 6.1.06

This release is targeted to a small but very important bug fix and a few related changes. It contains a fix for a class of issue that could cause your Traction® TeamPage journal to become corrupt in a certain set of cases. It is recommended that all customers update to this version as soon as possible.

This applies particularly to customers who are running TeamPage versions 6.1.05 or 6.1.05a.

If your Traction TeamPage server is hosted by Traction Software, your server has already been upgraded.

Download TeamPage 6.1

Bug Fix and Related Changes

• Fixed a bug that could cause attempts to delete Traction TeamPage journal database entries (e.g., via "Delete Article" or "Delete Task") to fail in a way that would cause the journal to become corrupt. This bug can only happen in certain cases, and only when the Traction TeamPage native fulltext index is enabled. But since there is a possibility of journal database corruption, all customers are urged to upgrade immediately to this latest patch release to ensure that they do not encounter it. (Note that this issue does not apply to deleting files.)

• Restores detailed diagnostic reporting of fatal errors encountered during journal database index rebuilds. If there is a problem rebuilding journal database metadata indices, this information is critical to helping us assist you in getting your system back to 100% working order.

• Modified the incremental native fulltext index update that can happen on startup (if the native fulltext index is enabled) so that the system can still start up even if the fulltext index update fails. Previously, failures during this process could cause server startup to be aborted.

If your TeamPage journal fails to start up or rebuild with an error like this, file a support ticket and we will assist you with resolving the issue.

Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: ###
        at tsi.journal.servio.dehexify(servio.java:132)
        at tsi.journal.servio.readunsignedbyte(servio.java:281)
        at tsi.tsiDb.cvtfiletotext(tsiDb.java:2446)
        at tsi.tsiDb.readRecord(tsiDb.java:3659)
        at tsi.entry.loadrec(entry.java:1369)

Article: Customer4848 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog, :Doc:R61
Date: August 24, 2015; 9:54:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep