Title: TeamPage 6.1.05

This release is focused on new features, including drag and drop ordering and live updating for Traction® TeamPage's shared task lists.

Download TeamPage 6.1

Features and Improvements

Task Lists: Ordering and Live Updating

All TeamPage task lists now support drag and drop ordering, and all task lists will dynamically update themselves to reflect changes being made by other users. Tasks that have been marked done will now fade out and disappear from the task list after a moment. The inline task form now allows saving a new task just by pressing enter when the cursor is in the title field.

The highlighted task (light blue background) is being dragged to the first position in list (the drag handle is not visible in this screen capture). Note the three avatar photos in the upper left after the word "Viewing". The avatars show the three people who are currently viewing this page; all will see the live drag and drop action without having to hit refresh.

The live animation and Viewing features require a browser that supports WebSockets, including Internet Explorer version 10, Google Chrome 16, Firefox 11, or Safari 6 (or later versions).

Tracking Progress of Offline Metadata and Native Fulltext Index Rebuilds

Administrators can now connect to /traction/status to find out the progress of index rebuild operations. Also, users who connect to any other TeamPage server URLs (for any other page) will see a message indicating that the server is temporarily unavailable.

Previously, during index rebuilds, the TeamPage web server was not available, and the only way to get information on the progress of the rebuild operation was to have access to the console of the machine hosting TeamPage.

Other Features and Improvements

• TeamPage will now capture the message ID of all incoming email messages in the traction.log and/or debug.log as the messages being processed. This can be particularly useful in discovering why an incoming email was not successfully processed. (Server77425)

• Improved the performance issues related to the processing of native fulltext queries, particularly when Japanese or certain other languages are involved. (Server76893)

• Added Japanese localization for the "Activity on this milestone" and "Activity on this project" checkbox labels that appear in the subscription dialog. (JPBO8322)

• Internationalized the "Dept." abbreviation that appears in user profile details, and provided a Japanese localization in addition to the English one. (JPBO8634)

• Cleaned up the appearance of details of the original task, project, milestone, event, etc. as they appear in an email notification for a new comment in the discussion thread for such an entry. (Server77571)

• Changed the login form so that users will see the placeholder text "Username or Email" in the username field instead of "Visitor" or something else when visiting that page for the first time. (JPBO190)

• Replaced the text "From" with "Reply To" in the email reply and email articles forms to make it clearer to the user that this is in fact what the address entered in that field will be used for. There is no way for a user to manually send an email from TeamPage that has their own address in the "From:" field (many email servers will not allow the "From:" field to be set to something other than the main address for the account being used to authenticate with an SMTP server, and only one such SMTP server connection is configured for all outgoing email activity in TeamPage). Setting the "Reply-To:" field ensures that if someone replies to the email generated by the email reply or email articles forms in TeamPage that it will go to the user rather than back to, e.g., the TeamPage server's inbox. This change is intended to remove any confusion users may have about the current behavior. (JPBO8466)

• Gave the appearance of TeamPage's error and info pages a major refresh. (Server77562)

• Updated the styling of the context (right click) menus in the Proteus skin to better match the skin's current look and feel. (Server77653)

• Modified the way TeamPage passes documents to the Attivio AIE indexer so that TeamPage's own indexing daemon is much less likely to get stuck waiting for the AIE indexer to return an indexing result. (8275d5220e74 / 9e7a38669871)

Bug Fixes

• Fixed an issue that caused the expanded attachments dialog that is accessible from some forms to have the wrong title when the form was being used to create a new entry. (Server77632)

• Restored the upload progress indicator in the side column of documents views. This was accidentally removed in an earlier release. Users will once again be able to see the progress of long running upload operations. (Server77609)

• Fixed some issues related to the Filter controls in task list views. Previously, sometimes adding a filter would erroneously cause no tasks to be displayed, and filters on title could show tasks containing any content matches for the requested text (i.e., a match somewhere other than in the task's title). (de32d99f4dab / Server77621 / Proteus12258)

• Changed the way that TeamPage's native fulltext indices are updated to ensure that certain other conditions in the system cannot prevent the updates from happening in a timely fashion. (Server77443)

• Fixed the text for the erase action to read "Erase Comment" when the target of the erase operation is a comment entry. (Server77477)

• Fixed the error messages that are displayed in certain cases when an attempt to sign into a TeamPage using the special "owner" account fails. Previously in these cases, no error message text would be displayed, making it impossible to determine the reason for the failure. (Server77462)

• Fixed an issue that prevented details, such as the date and time of the last modification to the document, from being displayed in the expanded rendering of files (attachments or shared files) returned as hits in Attivio search views. (Server77424)

• Fixed a bug that prevented the "Completed on [date]" for a task from including the actual completion date when the user viewing a task only had "Read Own" permission (and not at least "Read Published" permission) in the task's containing space. Previously, the "Status" field as it appeared when viewing such a task would read (e.g., in English) "Completed on", without a date. (Server77435)

• Fixed the documents view for the /db/ folder (virtual root folder for attachments and other files). (JPBO8386)

• Fixed a bug that caused the current result count to be off by one for certain queries, which could cause some result ranges to appear to cover a slightly different portion of the results than were actually requested or displayed. (JPBO8628)

• Restored proper handling for the "Include Links into TeamPage" option for the email reply form. (JPBO7772)

• Fixed an issue that could, in some situations, prevent a user from receiving a notification related to the creation of a new draft entry. (Help7757)

• Fixed a bug in the side-by-side multiple selector setting editor that would cause custom configuration setting values to be lost in some cases. (Server77823)

For Developers

• SDLTokenRenderer's renderWithNoContext method now does nothing and has been deprecated. There are no longer any cases in which a TokenRenderer's render method will be invoked without access to a com.traction.sdk.Context object (i.e., the TokenContext's getContext() method will never return null), so this idiom is no longer needed. This method will be removed in an upcoming release, so if you have a plug-in that contains a TokenRenderer that extends SDLTokenRenderer that overrides this method, be advised that if it has the "@Override" annotation, it will no longer compile until you change it, and in any case the method will no longer be invoked.

• Added this method to com.traction.sdk.Entry:

    public TractionId getVersionId();

It returns the com.traction.sdk.TractionId representing the exact version of the entry that has been loaded and which backs the Entry object. The corresponding SDL tags, such as entry.versionid, will evaluate to the name (String version) of the TractionId returned by this method for a given Entry.

Move Task 2.png
Article: Customer4833 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog, :Doc:R61
Date: July 22, 2015; 8:35:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep