Title: TeamPage 6.0.11

Traction® TeamPage 6.0.11 includes a small set of bug fixes, including a recommended security update.

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Bug Fixes

• Fixed a bug that prevented edit operations from working when viewing a specific version of an entry. (Server73354)

• Fixed a bug that could prevent certain queued operations related to creation of new journal entries from finishing (or starting) if a server shutdown had been requested before the operations were to have started. (Server73332)

• Improved the security associated with the "Forgot your password?" feature. (Internal10791 / 2faeca658f2c)

• Fixed an issue related to TeamPage's Swedish and Norwegian localizations for the TinyMCE rich text editor. (Server73391)

Article: Customer4678 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog, :Doc:R60
Date: August 2, 2014; 9:57:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep