Title: TeamPage 6.0 Release Notes

We're very excited to announce our newest and best release yet: Traction® TeamPage 6.0!

There are far too many improvements and fixes to list everything, but this article gives an overview of some of the highlights, including: a new look for the Proteus skin; new standard forms for articles, projects, milestones, tasks and more; an updated and improved rich text editor; integration with the open source Jetty web server; a redesigned administrative interface; a new much more robust PDF export feature; and much, much more.

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Feature Changes and Improvements

Updated Styles for the Proteus Skin

We said "good bye" to the drop shadows of previous generations of the Proteus skin. The new design is crisper, less cluttered, and, we hope, more appealing.

New Forms

TeamPage's web-based forms for creating and editing articles and email replies have been updated to make use of the latest generation of our forms framework. And developers can now make their own forms that make use of standard features like naming, moderation, parent/child relationships, etc.

Also, all the standard forms support saving and loading template entries. And in contrast with the ad hoc template entries in previous versions of TeamPage, template entries created this way don't show up in normal query results.

We've also made many improvements to TeamPage's GWT forms API and associated features to make it easier to extend existing features and build your own forms.

Updated and Improved Rich Text Editing

TeamPage has been using the TinyMCE open source rich text editor for a long time. We have our own fork of TinyMCE, and we've even made some contributions to the main project. We'll be keeping TeamPage updated with all the latest fixes and improvements that the community makes. We think you'll find the editor more reliable, easier to use, and more visually attractive.

Jetty Web Server

TeamPage now uses the Jetty web server, which offers many advantages, including: server-tracked sessions, with the associated ability for administrators to expire any or all active sessions; tunable throttling to combat DDoS attacks; better resource management for handling incoming connection requests; and forward-looking compatibility with protocols such as SPDY and WebSocket to make it easier for us to keep TeamPage up to date with future innovations that affect the world of web based applications. As with TinyMCE, we maintain our own fork of Jetty, but we also hope to make some contributions back to the main project.

Smaller Memory Footprint

The amount of memory that TeamPage uses to provide access to the settings and properties associated with users, spaces, the journal, and the server has been greatly reduced without sacrificing performance. This can be a big benefit to deployments of all sizes.

Updated Setup Interface

Users of previous versions of TeamPage will notice the Personal (User) Setup, Space Setup and Server Setup pages have been given a long overdue visual update. The Space Setup > Tags page has been updated to make it easier and quicker to add and modify the tags for a particular space, and the Server Setup > License page has been updated to make it easier to upload a new license.

We've removed some old settings associated with retired features, and we've reorganized the remaining and newly added settings to try to make the groupings more logical. If you're having trouble finding a setting, don't forget to use the search box that appears at the top of any of the setup pages as a way to quickly find and navigate to it.

Security Improvements

We're always working hard to keep up with the latest industry standards for information security.

TeamPage 6.0 has been updated to use the latest industry standard procedures and cryptographic algorithms for password security, including the PBKDF2 standard (i.e., IETF RFC 2898).

TeamPage also now keeps track of some basic information about recent authentication attempts for each user account. Administrators can access this information for any user at any time, and each user can always access this information for their own account. Security conscious administrators also have the option to require that each user review a summary of the previous successful and failed attempts to authenticate with their user name. See Doc1577: Department of Defense TeamPage Configuration Notes examples.

Improved Reliability for PDF Export

TeamPage's PDF export feature has gotten a long-needed overhaul, with an emphasis on reliability. Thanks in part to our friends at the HtmlCleaner project, the days of a single out-of-place HTML tag in a TeamPage article preventing a PDF from being generated are gone. And PDF generation uses the latest stable version of the Apache FOP library, which includes many improvements and fixes over previous versions.

Bug and Issue Fixes - Too Many to Mention

But here are a few highlights:

• In some cases, the "Forgot your password?" feature failed to work. (Server68091)

• It is now possible to configure TeamPage to allow digest "unsubscribe" action to work even if the requesting user is not logged in. Previously, the "unsubscribe" action required the user to be logged in, and for the user to have "Modify Account" permission, which is not an appropriate restriction for many publicly facing TeamPage servers. (Server67602)

• Fixed an issue that prevented invitations from working properly when the user directory configuration requires users to login explicitly to use the Visitor account. (Server67708)

• Fixed a bug that prevented the automatic version control of attachments from working properly (when the "Automatically Version Control Attachments" setting is set to "yes"). (Server71463)

• Fixed some issues with native fulltext indexing. Sometimes, the native fulltext rebuild would fail. In other cases, the native fulltext index or the Attivio AIE external index would end up containing useless or incorrect renderings for some widgets. (Server71176 / Server71178 / Server71179 / Server71220 / Server71248 / Server71253).

• Fixed a pair of issues that caused sections and section tables to be rendered when they didn't need to be. This could result in some queries taking longer than necessary to evaluate. (Server68291 / Server70650)

• Fixed a conflict between the handling of section queries and a user's preference for the "Hide System Articles" setting. This issue could cause some sections to appear to be empty for users who had selected "no" for the "Hide System Articles" setting. (Server67013)

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Date: April 9, 2014; 12:54:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Greg Lloyd
Author ID: grl