Title: TeamPage 5.2.70

This article describes what's new in Traction® TeamPage version 5.2.70

Download TeamPage 5.2

Features Changes and Improvements

• Improved the permissions check used when determining whether tags can be displayed. This removes the unintended requirement for reclassify permissions to be enabled in order for tags to be displayed in certain contexts. (Server69424)

• Added JavaScript hooks for GWT form events form-load, form-reset, form-save, and form-close.

• Fixed the process that incremented the version number. 5.2.68 wrongly described itself as 5.2.67. This release has the correct version number, 5.2.70.

Article: Customer4443 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:R52, :Doc:changelog
Date: January 30, 2014; 8:07:16 AM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn