Title: TeamPage 5.2.57

This article describes what's new in Traction® TeamPage 5.2.57. This release is a patch release to address a few issues, including two related to TeamPage's metrics reporting features, and one of particular significance to TeamPage deployments making use of Active Directory or LDAP integration.

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Bug Fixes

Settings and Administration

• Fixed a regression from TeamPage version 5.2.55 that caused certain data to be improperly discarded from TeamPage's in-memory cache when one or more settings were changed for any user account. If you are using TeamPage's Active Directory or LDAP integration features, this issue may be particularly significant: it may cause your TeamPage server to become unresponsive for several minutes every time any changes are made to any user account's settings. We recommend that all customers using TeamPage's Active Directory or LDAP integration features with TeamPage version 5.2.55 or 5.2.56 upgrade immediately to the latest release to avoid this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue may have caused. (20c33061b0d4)

• Fixed a bug that prevented a user who did not have Modify Account permission from being able to change their password when an administrator sets the "Require Password Change" setting to "yes" for that user's account. (Server64807)


• Fixed a bug that caused metrics data not to be displayed in the side column of the Proteus skin. (fbbbe1f5b852)

• Fixed a bug that prevented metrics data from being collected for users not in the group designated in the Allowed User Group setting. This setting is supposed to designate the group whose members are allowed to view the metrics reports. Metrics data should always be collected for all users. (80e9c08a5576)

• Fixed a bug that could prevent migration to the latest version of the project management features database schema. (AKJ17135)

General User Interface

• Fixed a bug in the Smart Typeahead for Attivio Search plug-in that caused an extra query to be executed when retrieving the typeahead results. WIth this change, an extra query is executed only to retrieve alternative suggestions ("Did you mean...?") when no typeahead suggestions can be found for the query as entered. (89ebd8d08aca)

• Fixed a regression related to what users see when making a request for a page focused on a non-existent space, or a space that exists but which the user isn't allowed to know about. When such a request is received, in most cases TeamPage was supposed to be able to generate an error message in the context of a normal page, as described in Customer4107.038: TeamPage 5.2.51:

But due to this issue, TeamPage would instead fulfill the request as though it had been focused on whatever space happened to be the first active space created in the journal that the user was allowed to see. This change restores the correct behavior.

As a point of clarification, this issue did not cause any additional information to be revealed to a requesting user. Naturally, to prevent "fishing" for spaces by their name, when receiving any request to retrieve or perform an operation on a single space, TeamPage responds with the same error regardless of whether there is no such space or whether the user simply isn't allowed to know that such a space exists. If a particular request requires a valid space for any action to be taken, the user will see an error page. In the case of a request for, e.g., a space dashboard or Activity > Feed page -– the case affected by this change -– the error can be displayed in the context of the more convenient form of an otherwise normal page. To prevent certain users from knowing that a space exists, administrators can simply fail to grant those users Access permission in that space. (Server64549)

Related Articles
Article: Customer4202 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:R52, :Doc:changelog
Date: January 23, 2013; 9:50:47 AM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep