Download TeamPage 5.2 |
For example, when I start to comment on an article, I can see that someone else is editing it. |
And they see that I have started commenting on the article. In this case, you can also see that the comment in progress is on the first paragraph (item 01). |
Edit Customer3770.png
Customer3770_ Enterprise 15.0!.png
Edit Customer3770-1.png
Updates > All-15.png
Comment in TeamPage - Traction TeamPage Community.png
Traction Server Setup | General-2.png
Live Activity Manager.png
Attivio Search_ webdav-1.png
Attivio Search_ welcome to tractio.png
Traction Server Setup | Plugins-1.png
Front Page.png
Front Page-1.png
Task in TeamPage - Traction TeamPage Community.png
Attivio Search_ java 7 new language features.png