Title: TeamPage 5.1.39

This article describes the changes in build Traction® TeamPage 5.1.39.

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• Fixed an issue where your edits to others people's posts wouldn't appear in your Activity > All view. (Forum4200)

• The milestone and project progress indicators now include tasks from all spaces, not just the space in which the milestone or project was posted. (Proteus6824)

• Fixed an issue with the email address input where friendly names with a comma could be split into two email addresses. (Server54375)

• When projects are created, the share folder for the project is now created automatically. (Proteus4458)

• Improved support for IPv4 patterns used for IP address filtering. (AKJ12953)

Article: Customer3388 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: March 15, 2011; 3:07:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn