Title: TeamPage 5.0.27—5.0.29

This article describes changes in Traction® TeamPage versions 5.0.27—5.0.29.

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TeamPage 5.0.29

• Fixed problem where TeamPage wouldn't correctly automatically initiate a rebuild on startup after a forced shutdown mid-operation. (Server52225)

TeamPage 5.0.28

• Fixed cases where WebDAV file locks created via the TeamPage interface were attributed to Visitor instead of to the user logged in. (Support2734, Support2726, FDA1557)

• The New Account dialog in Proteus now correctly obeys all new account default settings, including the groups. (Proteus3821)

• The welcome email is now sent correctly when creating accounts from the Proteus New Account dialog. (Server51965, Help7395)

• The title of the Proteus front page and newspages can now be controlled via settings. (BCG4132, Proteus4423)

• Visitor no longer needs to have login and access to a single project in order for project share folders to be created on startup. (Server52083)

• Fixed problems with the Reject All Versions feature when moderation is enabled. (Server52098)

TeamPage 5.0.27

• Attivio search facets now display in the Simple skin.

• Added setting to force Traction to use the configured base URL regardless of what URL was used in the incoming request. This can help when configuring to run in certain firewall environments and when running behind reverse proxy servers. (LiveBlog12921)

• Resolved an issue where the members list for a space would be displayed on the front page when the user had permission to read exactly that one space. (Proteus4167)

• Additional Japanese internationalization and localization support.

Article: Customer3154 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: November 12, 2010; 4:23:32 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn