Title: Changelog for TeamPage 4.2.62

Important: Customers with the Attivio search option who upgrade to this version 4.2.62 or later must also upgrade their Attivio installation to version or later (see AttivioSearch134). Otherwise Attivio search will not function. Both the Attivio and TeamPage servers must be upgraded at the same time to prevent search errors.

This release includes the following changes. You can always download the latest TeamPage release from/share/customer/dist/latest.

• Updated the Attivio client library to Attivio Hotfix 9 to address a memory leak that could cause the Attivio server to become unresponsive after extracting text from many documents.

• Item labels are now included in comment thread email notifications (1f4d661d19aa).

• migrate2webdav now works properly with 4.2 style curdb settings (AKJ10227)

Article: Customer2729 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: June 3, 2010; 8:28:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn