Title: Changelog for TeamPage 4.2.40

This release includes the following changes. You can always download the latest Traction TeamPage release from /share/customer/dist/latest.

Critical Bug Fixes

• Fixed a problem with label creation introduced in version 4.2 where a transaction that creates labels with illegal or duplicate names (e.g. "to do" and "todo") can cause all the labels created in that same transaction to be created and usable in the user interface but not journaled correctly, leading to later errors in metadata index rebuild. (Server49110)

Several customers have encountered this error. While in most cases, the j2a/a2j process using the j2a flags -fixcats and -createcats can be used to make the journal rebuildable, this j2a/a2j process does not recover the names of the labels that were created in the transaction; using this process, the replacement labels that are created are named "missing###", where ### is the label's internal ID.

We recommend that customers who experience a rebuild error should wait for us to post a new turnkey label fix utility that will read the metadata index containing the requested label names along with the original journal file to produce a corrected journal file with the names of all legal labels properly restored.

Customers running builds older than 4.2.37: Until the label fix utility is available, customers who are running a TeamPage build older than 4.2.37 should first run a rebuild test using their currently installed TeamPage version.

If your journal does not rebuild properly you should not attempt to upgrade beyond the version you are currently running until the label fix utility is posted, since a rebuild is required to upgrade to 4.2.37 or later, and you will not be able to complete the upgrade successfully and may get stuck in an index rebuild loop.

If your journal does rebuild properly with your currently installed build of TeamPage 4.2, you can and should upgrade to 4.2.40 promptly without any problem and avoid potential mishandling of illegal labels after installation of the 4.2.40 build.

Customers running 4.2.37 or newer can and should upgrade to TeamPage 4.2.40 promptly since no rebuild will be required to install the upgrade from 4.2.37 or newer to 4.2.40 and you will avoid potential mishandling of illegal labels after installation of the 4.2.40 build.

Running a rebuild test. We recommend that you back up your journal and clone your production instance and test the rebuild on the cloned instance (see Support2246).

If no cloned test instance is available, you should check the rebuild index on next startup checkbox and then press the restart button in Server Setup. If the rebuild fails, the index files that will be reinstated and the server should continue running with them.

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a problem where after upgrading from 4.1 to 4.2, going to Fast Setup in journals with no description would trigger a NullPointerException. A workaround for this issue was to add a description. The issue is resolved in this release. (Snafu106)

• Fixed two issues with the Audit Search Engine Driven Sections view. Now all the links in the view open to the correct locations. (Server48891)

• Reinstated several support utilities from 4.1 that were not previously available in 4.2.

• Fixed a problem introduced in 4.2 where creating a label while changing labels on multiple articles created a label that included the project name (CriticalMarketing559)

Other Changes

• Attivio search now searches filenames. Note that in order to enable filename search, you must re-feed Attivio. Search hits on filenames will not be automatically included. To search filenames, you can use the search expression filename:name, replacing name with the name of the file you are looking for.

• Moved the authored table of contents higher in the default navlinks template. (Server48995)

• Added a browse icon to the project/space completer that allows users to click to get a list of all spaces, similar to the old drop-down list. In order to prevent having to pre-load the entire list every time, the browse icon does not appear until you focus on the project/space search field.

• Added a "total unique readers" tally to the metrics report. This reports how many unique readers were active for the report criteria. Note that for reporting purposes, Visitor is counted once.

Feed Reader Fixes

• Fixed a problem where RSS and Atom feeds that used entity encoding were not fully decoded, resulting in visible HTML code in the resulting article.

Article: Customer2414 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: January 29, 2010; 5:54:37 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn