Title: Changelog for TeamPage 4.1.75

This release includes the following changes. You can always download the latest TeamPage release from /share/customer/dist/latest.

Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Implemented correct display of FAST search and page name query driven article sections in the Email Articles feature. Previously, when these types of sections were embedded in article content, the sections were either not displayed or contained the wrong articles. (60b819bda3bf)

Fixed the labels in the feed manager view. There were several labels that were associated with the wrong checkboxes, so that clicking on those labels changed the checked state of the wrong checkbox. (de8dd83455a3)

Fixed an issue authenticating users when more than one LDAP server is being used to validate credentials. (cvs37103)

Fixed a bug in key generation (used for certificate requests) that caused 1024 to be used for the size of the key regardless of what was selected. (Server45192)

Made a configuration change to allow FONT tags to be preserved when editing an existing article, instead of causing them to be converted to SPAN tags. The conversion from FONT to SPAN tags, particularly with respect to font size, could cause formatting information to be lost or changed when an article was edited without the user having made any changes. (Server45150)

Fixed a bug that caused the "Rejected" filter checkbox in the section editor to always appear to be unchecked. This issue affected the display of existing sections only; that is, the "Rejected" filter section property was correctly saved, but not correctly displayed. The correct filter would be applied until the section was next edited, when the user would have to check the "Rejected" checkbox again. (AKJ8293)

Added some style rules to the login page to prevent the displayed logo image from breaking out of its container. (AKJ8720)

Fixed a bug that could cause a specific project's logo image to be displayed on the login or logout pages. The logo images displayed there should always be the server default project logo image. (Server45160)

Fixed a problem in which an attempt to add a cookie with an invalid name would cause the view to fail. Now cookies with invalid names will be ignored. The "http" debug mode can be enabled to see any cookies that were ignored due to an invalid name. (cvs37160)

Made a configuration change to cause the "Active Directory" template to be initially selected in the user directory editor. (Server44714)

Fixed a bug affecting Internet Explorer only, in which clicking on the widget icon or text in the rich text editor's Insert Widget dialog didn't automatically advance the user to the widget options for the selected widget. Now, the OK button doesn't have to be clicked separately when the widget is clicked in the Insert Widget dialog. (Server39043)

Improved the display of the digest section editor so that the appropriate set of options are displayed, leaving out inapplicable options such as "Ignore date range and include all articles" feature. (LiveBlog4818)

Changed the ambiguous label of the "Filter" field for FAST search sections to "FQL Filter", with a title tip explaining that "FQL" refers to "FAST Query Language". (JFrank1551)

Fixed a bug in the article content cleanup script that caused FONT tags to be discarded if they have only "style" attributes. This is important because Internet Explorer's built-in rich text editing component, which is used for the Traction Instant Publisher (TIP), uses a FONT tag with a "style" attribute to implement text background color. Setting the text background color from the TIP now works properly. (cf4060177458)

Fixed a bug that could cause a label change that should have applied to the article-level labels to apply instead to an individual paragraph, when the Article-level "Change Labels" action is chosen from the context menu that was displayed for that paragraph. Labels are now applied at the correct level regardless of the location from which context menu was triggered. (Server44728)

i18n / l10n

Updated the Japanese version of the license agreement displayed during installation. (AKJ8737)

Fixed the dialog caption and button display value for the new Create New User dialog. They referred to project creation instead of new user account creation. (AKJ8699)

Internationalized some alert dialog warning and error messages in edit pages relating to named articles. (AKJ8696)

Implemented i18n and added Japanese l10n for the Setup Assistant plug-in, as well as the first journal setup pages that are used to guide the user through the journal setup process when TeamPage is first installed. (AKJ8589)

Fixed a bug that prevented the article "Trackback" URL from working correctly when the article belonged to a project that had non-ASCII characters in its name, particularly in Internet Explorer. (AKJ8116)

Fixed a bug that prevented rapid selector navlinks (authored left column navigation links) from working properly when the expressions contained non-ASCII characters, particularly in Internet Explorer. (AKJ8042)

Fixed a bug in the parsing of article that was added in rich text edit mode. This issue could cause search expressions, by-name wiki links, and any other "rapid selector" widgets to be misinterpreted if they contained certain special characters such as "&" or ">". This would, for example, cause by-name links to names such as "Bacon & Eggs" to be bound instead to the entity-encoded "Bacon & Eggs". The text of rapid selector widgets, including by-name wiki links, is now correctly decoded before being processed. (Server45587)

Fixed a bug that would cause forward link names containing certain special characters such as "&" or ">" to be misinterpreted when a user uses the "Click here to create this page" link after clicking through the forward link for a wiki page name that hasn't yet been assigned. This would, for example, cause the name expected to be "Bacon & Eggs" to be loaded in the Create New Article form as "Bacon & Eggs". The text of page names is now correctly encoded in the link URL to prevent this from happening. (Server45590)

Fixed a bug that prevented the user from having easy access to existing private drafts for a forward link. The expected behavior, that when clicking through a forward link, any private drafts that the user has already started to create a page with that name will be listed on the page beneath the "Click here to create this page" link, now works properly. (Server45590)

Fixed a bug that could cause the wiki name data contained in private drafts to be misinterpreted when the draft was loaded. It may have resulted in the name "null" being listed as a name in the "Add names" or "Edit names" dialog. (Server45590)

When using Virtual Directory Server (VDS), the member and memberOf attributes may be translated to values from the original directories rather than users in the VDS server. When that happens, we try to locate the user using a distinguishedName= search rather than a simple find. (38730bf866a5)

Google Maps Plug-in

Changed the Google Map widget to use the latest 2.s "stable" version of the Google Maps API. This fixes some recently noted display problems, in which the map canvas would display, but the map itself would not display. This was sometimes accompanied by a JavaScript error. No changes are necessary to existing articles that use the Google Map widget. (Server45437)

Document Management Plug-in

Added a plug-in configuration setting that allows an administrator to customize the period of the automatic file listing refresh feature -- or shut if off altogether. (Server45240)

Fixed some problems with the "Download" link that appears in the file information panel. The Download link was not working in some versions of Internet Explorer. (Server45237)

Fixed the URL for the help documentation page that describes how to configure Internet Explorer to allow direct editing of Microsoft Office files. This is the help page that is opened (if the user accepts the offer) for help if the direct edit feature fails to work when the Edit button is clicked. (AKJ8500)

Ratings Plug-in

The ratings plug-in now allows the top scores / top rated sections to be excluded from the Front page in case scores and ratings are only enabled for a couple of projects. (6241caed77c2)

Fixed a bug that could cause both the top scores and top rated portlets to be displayed on a single project's newspage. Currently, only one ratings scheme is supported per project. (183e88cdec50)

Metrics Plug-in

Changed the visualization of metrics information to use the Raphaël javascript library instead of Google Charts API. This allows the metrics data visualization to to work even when TeamPage server users do not have access to the public internet, which is required for the Google Charts API to work.

LiveBlog Plug-in

Removed the capability of the user to add a new live blog post or to reply to an existing live blog post if the user doesn't have the necessary permissions. Author permission is required in the target project to create a new post; and comment permission is required in the target project in order to reply. Previously, the user could see the controls for performing these operations, but when the Post or Reply button was clicked, nothing was posted, and the string "undefined" could appear at the top of the list of posts. (Server40854)

Article: Customer2068 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: June 29, 2009; 3:16:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep