This release includes the following changes. You can always download the latest TeamPage release from /share/customer/dist/latest.
• Fixed a problem where pre-filling the principal cache for Active Directory or LDAP users would fail when a reference in an ACL to a group that had been deleted was encountered. These are now correctly skipped over.
• As a first step in a continuing effort to reduce the memory required for the permissions cache, we eliminated cases where operations such as Visibility that may touch all users would put permissions data for all the users into the permissions cache. In large deployments, this can significantly reduce the amount of data that gets proactively cached.
• The cachemanager view (/type cachemanager) now also lets you clear the permissions cache specifically.
• Resolved a race condition where views generated during cache clearing, or testing user directory logins or group membership, could cause subsequent permissions changes not to be cached properly, resulting in the older permissions remaining in effect until the next clear cache operation or server restart.
• Created a new "Allow Reverse DNS Lookups to Determine Host Name for Request IP Addresses" setting in Server Setup > Network > Features/Tuning. In the unusual case where the DNS server to which the computer TeamPage is running on is connected times out during reverse record lookup requests (primarily used in logging and metrics gathering), TeamPage may appear to hang for up to about 43 seconds before generating page views for each keep-alive connection with the browser. Turning off this setting will prevent these delays. (Server43150)
• Fixed an issue that could lead to problems scrubbing plain HTML inputs, such as the other info field in the user profile. (Internal6277.01)
• Fixed a problem in the digest section editor where certain combinations of inputs could lead to section matches from one project being repeated in the digest for each project. If you encounter this issue, making and undoing any change in the digest section editor and then pressing apply on the page should resolve the issue. (Internal6275)
Article: Customer1760 (permalink) Categories: :Doc:changelog Date: February 7, 2009; 1:57:07 PM Eastern Standard Time