Title: Traction Change Log

This article describes changes made between and

Changes in version

Tracking Number
Output from the StartTraction wrapper script now appears in the traction.log, to assist with diagnosing startup problems. cvs25705
Hovering over labels in the left nav column now shows the label's description, if one was defined in Project Setup | Labels | Properties cvs25709, cvs25715
Fixed problem where the right-click context menu never appeared when the locale was set to French.
Fixed a problem with the rich text edit control that could lead to a script error appearing. cvs25720
Added a section chooser when inserting sections using the rich text edit form. cvs25722
Added protection against accidentally closing new entry, edit, comment, and email reply forms. If the form has content in the body, users are prompted for whether they really want to navigate away without saving their changes. cvs25727
Created new SDL tag, projects.access, which iterates over the set of projects the current user can access, regardless of their read permissions. This is now used in place of projects.active to create the list of projects in the advanced search form. This reduces confusion on the part of people with server administrator permission, who have administer permission and can therefore see the projects, although they have no access to actually search or see search hits. cvs25729
Set default comment depth to unlimited. Was previously 3.
Added Google calendar widget.
Fixed regression where the first token (e.g. an image) immediately following OL, OL, Hn disappear on submit. Server26680, Server28065, cvs25761
Fixed problem where images embedded in articles might not display exactly as intended. cvs25763
Fixed QuickTime widget to render correctly. cvs25766
Fixed problem introduced in where erasing articles containing images with float, display, or other advanced properties could lead to inability to rebuild journal. After updating to, these journals should rebuild correctly. cvs25772
Fixed permissions issue when loading templates.

Article: Customer1181 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: December 1, 2006; 4:55:03 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn