Title: Attivio Simple Query Language - Traction TeamPage default

The default configuration for Traction TeamPage's Attivio search option uses the Attivio Simple Query Language. This acts like familiar web search engines: if you search for more that one word, by default Attivio looks for a result containing at least one match for each of the words you specified (AND search). If no results are found, Attivio automatically switches to a broader OR search, looking for matches on any word you specified (you'll see what Attivio searched for on the feedback line preceding any search results). If you search for a phrase in double quotes like "Simple Query Language", Attivio will look for that exact phrase. The Attivio Simple Query Language allows you to search for wildcards, exclude certain terms, and force an OR search.

h?llo match words with any character in place of ?
cat* match words beginning with the letters cat, e.g. catapult

Exclude words from search results using the - character
-dog don't return results containing one or more matches for the word "dog"

OR Search (OR must be spelled in upper case, otherwise it is treated like any other word)
cat OR dog
cat OR "hound dog"

A complete reference card for the Attivio Simple Query Language is attached @1.

For more more powerful but more complicated search options see Attivio Advanced Query Language.

Article: AttivioSearch117 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:FAQ
Date: April 23, 2010; 7:56:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Greg Lloyd
Author ID: grl