Title: Space Setup - Tag Properties

To get to the Tag Properties page, click the Properties link from the Tags tab.

This page lets you add an icon and a description for each tag.

Uploading Icons

Traction includes a Default Icons. If you would like to upload a new icon from your computer, first click the Browse button to find the file, then click the +).

The icon you added will appear by name in the list of icons below.

Assigning an Icon and Description to a Tag

Let's associate an icon and a description with each of our priority tags, P1, P2, and P3.

Using the pull-down menus, first select the tag. Then select the icon you want to associate with the tag (a preview of the currently selected icon appears below the icon selector), and type a description. In this example, we'll choose the P1 tag, the icon p1bar.gif, and specify the description "Priority one issue":

When we click the +), a new entry will be added to the list.

This procedure can be repeated for as many tags as require icons or descriptions. In our example, we'll repeat the procedure for the P2 and P3 tags:

Changing Icons and Descriptions

If you want to modify an existing tag's icon, description, or both, create a new row for the tag with the new information and click the +). The existing row will be updated to reflect the new values.

Related Articles
Article: Doc215 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:13:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer