Title: Searching in Traction

Note: If your Traction server has the Attivio Advanced Search option, please refer to the section Using the Attivio Advanced Search option instead.

There are three ways to search in Traction.

1. Basic Search, from the Search box in Traction. This searches articles in all projects for text you enter.

2. Advanced Search, available by clicking the link under the Search box in Traction. Allows search by text, title, author(s), date range, project(s), and label(s). It also has a selector to specify paragraph match.

3. Rapid Selector, allows you to issue a Rapid Selector command in the search box to make complex and Boolean queries. See the Introduction to the Rapid Selector Guide for further instructions on its use.

Basic Search

For basic searches, just type your search in the search box and press Search.

A few tips

Search hits are displayed in the body of the page, with word matches shown in boldface with a snippet of surrounding text. Here is a search for the word Intelligence.

In the upper right there is a volume selector that allows you to see the results in titles, details, snippets, brief and full content volumes. More information on these volume options is found in Navigating the Interface - In the Mexico Skin.

The Date Range Selector will show the time period where there are results, and allow you to drill into any selected time range:

In this example, there were only 6 results. However, if there are more hits than will display on the page, there is a link at the bottom of the page to show the next set of hits. You can also expand to show more than the default number of results or to re-order the results from newest first to oldest first.

Advanced Search

Click the Advanced Search link under the search box to access the Advanced Search Dialogue box. From here, you have many options to scope your search based on the title, text, date(s), label(s), author(s) and project(s). You can also scope your results to paragraph matches.

If the options here are not flexible enough (for example, you want any article that has the label Question anywhere but also has the words Shirt and Shoes in the same paragraph) then you can use Introduction to the Rapid Selector Guide to write a query in the search box.

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Article: Doc237 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:16:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer