Title: Using the Attivio Advanced Search option

Searching in Traction using the Attivio® Search option

When the Attivio® Search option is installed, Traction's normal search interface is replaced with one powered by the Attivio AIE Search engine. See Installing and Configuring the Attivio Search Option for more details.

Attivio Search is currently supported in the Proteus, Mexico, and Simple skins.

Note: The Attivio search option is an upgrade and replacement for the previously FAST® Search option offered with Traction TeamPage prior to TeamPage Release 4.2.

Searching in the Mexico Skin

If you wish to run a simple search, you can enter your search expression in the search box.

This takes you to the Attivio Search page, with results displayed.

You can also click the Advanced Search link.

This navigates to the Attivio Search page with the search controls expanded. You can hide the controls by clicking the "Hide Controls" link.

If the controls are not displayed, you can show them by clicking the "Show Controls" link.

If you just click the "Search" button without entering any search expression, Attivio Search will return either the highest rated documents, or the most recent or oldest documents, depending on the setting specified in the Sort Order control.

Browsing Search Results

Changing the number of results reported

The number of search results displayed is controlled by your Default Chunk Size preference and by the footer at the bottom of the search results.

The server default chunk size can be specified in Server Setup | Defaults. Individuals can change their own preference in My Account | Preferences.

Changing the amount of information shown

The volume controller in the upper-right of the view controls how much detail is displayed for search hits.

Simple Search Filtering Using Navigators

You can narrow your search results using navigators that let filter your search hits by various metadata criteria, such as keyword, project, label, document type, author, company, person name, email address, location, date posted, language, document size, and other criteria.

The top five matches for each navigator shown in the left column.

If there are more matches, the number of additional matches is displayed next to the title of the navigator. You can click the title to show the complete list expanded.

If you wish to restrict your search to show only hits that appear in documents with matching metadata, you can click one of the metadata options to narrow your results.

For example, to show only hits that are also Engineering FAQs, you can click the FAQ label.

This brings you to a view that shows only those hits that have the requested label.

You can repeat this operation as many times as you like. Each time, additional filter terms are added to your search. These terms are reflected in the search feedback area.

The effects of the filters are combined: only search results that pass all of the filters are shown. You can remove individual filters by clicking on them. The cursor will show a strikethrough and the tool tip "Remove Filter" will appear to let you know that the filter term will be removed.

You can also remove all the filters by clicking the "remove all filters" link.

Navigator Display Options

The "Sort by Name | Count" toggle lets you control how results are displayed.

Note that when sorting by name, labels are grouped by project, and are displayed in short form. When sorting by count, they are displayed in project-qualified form.

Clicking the "Scale font to count" checkbox displays more frequent matches in larger fonts.

Advanced Search Filtering Using Navigators

You can create a filter that represents the combined effect of multiple terms from one of more navigators. To do this, click the [+] link next to the filter term. When you hover over the [+] link, a tool tip displays "add to multi-term filter".

When you click the [+], a multi-term filter list appears at the top of the Narrow Results section, and the term you clicked is checked with a green checkbox.

You can add as many terms as you like from as many different navigators as you like.

To remove a term, you can click the checkbox icon that replaced the [+] icon, or you can click the term in the list of Multi-term filters.

You can then select whether you want to match any, all, or none of the filters.

Pressing the Apply Filter button applies the filter as a single term.

You can repeat this process as often as you like.

Saving Advanced Filters

If you create a complex filter that you find useful, you can bookmark the view and use it later as a search form. The filters are preserved on the URL and will be applied to subsequent searches launched from the view.

Advanced Search Options

You can access the advanced search options by clicking the "show controls" link.

Content types

You can control what types of documents are searched. Only hits in document types that are checked will be reported.

Date Range

This control let you filter search hits by date. For attachments and shared files, the date used is the last-modified time of the file. For all other content, the date used is the date when the content was posted to Traction.

Normally the date range is set to "Anytime".

You can select from the following options:

Each time you change your selection, the search interface adjusts to let you specify the additional information required, e.g.

When you choose before, after, or between you can click the calendar icon to display a calendar control that will let you enter the date.

Sorting Options

The following Sort Orders are supported;

User Preferences

Individuals can control the sort order and set of navigators used for queries. See the FAST Configuring Search Defaults section for details.

Rapid Selector Differences

When Attivio Search is enabled, certain Rapid Selector expressions that do not otherwise require a preceding "/" will not be recognized unless preceded with a "/". For example, without Attivio Search, you can enter a TractionID into the search box in order to jump to a specific article.

With Attivio Search enabled, you must precede TractionIDs with a "/"; otherwise, they turn into a search for the TractionID.

RSS and Atom Feeds

FAST Search views also support RSS and Atom syndication. If you have an RSS aggregator, you can subscribe to the results of any query using the RSS Feed and Atom Feed links at the bottom of the right column in any search results view.

Using Attivio Search with the Simple Skin

When you have the Attivio Search option, the normal search box in the Simple skin will use Attivio for searching.

You can also go to the Attivio Search form by choosing Attivo Search from the page selector and pressing the "go" button. The Attivio Search form will appear. If you typed a search expression, hits for that search expression will be displayed. Otherwise, you can browse the journal contents by date or rank, similar to what you can do in the other skins.

If you have more than a single page of hits, you can use the footer to change the chunk size and sorting options.

You can also apply filters using the list of filters at the bottom of the page. For example, to filter hits by document type, you would first click the drop-down menu next to type:

Select which filter you would like to activate:

If you like, you can select one of each type of filter. When you are ready to activate the filter, press the "Filter" button. You can repeat this process multiple times in order to build up a more complex filter.

If you want to clear all the filters, you can click the "remove all filters" link.

You can change the word options and sort order at the top of the search form.

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Article: Doc109 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:01:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer