Title: Displaying Images

Showing an attached image in the article body

There are four ways to insert an image:

  1. Copy an image from your browser into the new article window. Traction will download and attach the selected image if it accessible over the web without requiring a password.

  2. From the Insert Image dialogue, choose to Upload an Image then specify its location on your computer.

  3. From the Insert Image dialogue, choose to Reference an Attached Image

  4. From the Insert Image dialogue, choose to Upload a Remote Image at an accessible web address. Traction will download and attach the selected image if it accessible over the web without requiring a password.

  5. Type the Rapid Selector command within your article's text to reference an image attached to this or another Traction article.

For options 2, 3 and 4, click the Insert/Edit Image button on the toolbar.

After you click OK, the article in its edit window will look like this:

Using Rapid Selector text to include an image:

You can insert text within your article's body text to display an image attached any article. If the image is attached to this article, use this syntax (the alt text is not required):

alt text goes here

If the image is attached to another article (e.g. the article with the Traction ID Engineering6), use this syntax:

This assumes that the image you want to show is attachment #1. You can do the same for any attachment number.

Note: As of Traction 3.6, the web-based edit forms include an Insert Image tool that allows images to be displayed inline without manually using a rapid selector expression. The tool even supports choosing existing attachments, uploading new attachments, and references to remote resources. But this syntax for embedding images in content can still be used, and power users may continue to prefer it.




Display the image contained in attachment 1 here.

Sample logo

Same as above, but set the alternate text (shown in many web browsers as a title tip, or as replacement text when graphics are disabled).

Sample logo

Same as above, but forces the dimensions of the image to be 400 pixels wide, 300 pixels high, and uses a 2 pixel border. (The final dimension -- x2 -- may be omitted if no border is wanted.)

Sample logo

Same as above, but forces the dimensions of the image to be 50% of its real dimensions, and uses a 5 pixel border. (Again, the final dimension -- x2 -- may be omitted if no border is wanted.)

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Article: Doc72 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 3:55:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer