Title: Adding and Editing Attachments

Click the link to Attach Files. The Edit Attachments dialog window will pop up.

A window will appear. If you want to upload several attachments at once, click the Upload More Files button.

You can now click browse to identify the files you would like to upload, and (if you like) you can type a description for each file.

When you have selected the files you wish to upload, click the upload or the OK button.

The list of files you have uploaded will appear at the top of the view.

You can select an uploaded attachment by clicking it. This gives you the option to remove it.

After removing the NotImportant.txt, there are still two files remaining.

When you are finished adding attachments, click OK. The attachments count on the Create New Article page will be updated to show the final total.

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Article: Doc968 (permalink)
Date: March 9, 2009; 11:49:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Paul Needham
Author ID: pan