Title: Server Setup - Journal

This page allows you to customize the Actions that appear in the Context Menu. Actions are like macros that can add and remove labels with a single click.

In the example below, the Done action is being selected. By default, the Done action removes any to do labels on an item and adds the done labels from corresponding project or projects.

Note: In the special case of the To Do and Done actions, most Traction skins provide a checkbox that lets you invoke the action that would be required to toggle the current state. If a to do label appears, the checkbox will show as blank and will trigger the Done action; if the done label appears, the checkbox will show as checked and will trigger the To Do action. If both To Do and Done labels appear, the checkbox will appear with a grey check and will trigger the To Do action.

Overview of the Custom Label Action Editor

This form lets you define actions.

You can name each action and assign it an icon, which will appear in the context menu. Each action can be defined to remove a set of labels and add a set of labels. Normally actions take effect immediately. If you want the user to be required to preview the effect of an action in a Change Labels dialog before submitting, you can click the action's Confirm checkbox.

In the examples above, two sets of actions are defined:

  1. To Do and Done switch between the corresponding labels.

  2. Priority 1, Priority 2, and Priority 3 switch between these three priorities.


You'll notice that in the above example, all the actions are specified with a matchingproj project qualifier. This means that when the action is evaluated, for each project in which a matching label is found in the remove column, a label from the matching project should be added.

For example, the following paragraph is labeled P1 in two projects:

When the Priority 2 action is invoked, both labels are converted to P2 in the matching, or corresponding, projects:

Match Entry

This is a special-purpose option and is very seldom useful. It works like this: when a specific label, such as to do is present on the title and you perform an Action such as Done on a different paragraph, the to do labels will be removed from both the title and the paragraph on which the action was triggered, but the done label will only be placed on the paragraph.

Adding a New Action

Let's add a new action called Make Alert that adds the Alert label from the Intelligence project and removes any headline or news labels. To define a new action, we must add a row that specifies the parameters of the action.

Syntax for Adds and Removes

Adds and removes are specified with the following syntax:

  1. An optional "+" before the label defines the behavior if the label has not already been created in the project. If the "+" is present, the action will have the side-effect of creating the label. If the "+" is not present, the action will not add the label. In most cases you want the "+".

  2. "::"

  3. The name of a project or the special qualifier "[matchingproj]"

  4. ":"

  5. The name of a label

Here's the action definition corresponding to our example.

In this case, we name the action Make Alert. In the Removes column, we use matchingproj to remove any existing headline or news labels. In the Adds column, we use the [matchingproj] qualifier to make sure all other headline and news labels are removed. When choosing icons, you can select the field and use the up and down arrows to change the selection; during this process the icon is previewed underneath. You can also Upload an Icon your own icons and Delete an Icon icons from the list.

Note: In order to add this action to the list of actions, we must press the +). The action then appears in the list. If you just press Apply without clicking +) your definition will be discarded.

After adding or changing action, you must press Apply for the changes to take place.

After pressing Apply, our action appears in the context menu:

When we click on the action, the label on the paragraph instantly changes.

Controlling the Set and Order of Actions in the Default Context Menu

The actions listed in the Active list are the actions that all users see by default, and the order they appear in this list is the order they will appear in the default context menu. Individual users can change the set of actions and the order of the actions listed in their context menu using the Personal Preferences control.

To make an action inactive, select it and click the (- button. You can select inactive actions and click the +) button to make them active. You can reorder the actions in the Active list by selecting one or more actions and clicking the up and down arrows to shift their positions.

Don't forget to click the Apply button to save any changes you make.

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Article: Doc254 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:17:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer