Title: ProductAlpha Sidebar Example

The Alpha Dashboard sidebar example is an article written with Traction's Rapid Selector language. This example has examples of links that point directly to a single article, to a multi entry view based on one label (i.e feature), and examples of links that point to a multi-entry view based on a combination of labels. One example with a combination of labels is V2 ToDo, which displays everything marked Feature, with the ToDo and V2 label on the same paragraph.

Here is the article itself, in a single entry view:

When you tell Traction to make it a sidebar entry, it appears in smaller form in the sidebar. Notice that elements like author, date, Traction ID, related entries, and attachments do not appear.

Example Rapid Selector Text

Following are the lines of text in the article, ProductAlpha56. The bullets describe the function of each line.

[[Link 'Alpha PRD' productalpha74 ()]]

[[link 'Features' :feature all brief ()]]

[[link 'V2 ToDo' :feature ab i((:v2 AND :todo ))]]

[[link 'V2+ ToDo' :feature ab i((:v2* AND :todo ))]]

[[link 'Unallocated ToDo' ::productalpha :feature ab i((:todo AND (NOT :V* AND NOT :V2* )))]]

[[link 'Feature Ideas' :feature:idea ::*:feedback ab ()]]

Group By X and Requiring Y Syntax

Traction presents the results in reverse chronological order. You may want to group the results in your view based on a set of labels. Currently, Traction has a feature capable of grouping results by a specified label and restricting results to only those articles with a certain label.

Until the feature is exposed, you can expose the functionality by adding the following text to the URL Traction generates for a multi-entry view, e.g. the view of all articles with the feature label:


This will clump the results into a an initial group with the label v1, a second group with the label v2, etc.


Adding this will further constrain the overall view to only those items marked with the ToDo label.

Related Articles
Article: Doc206 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:12:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer