Title: Linking with the Rapid Selector

You can create hyperlinks to any view or any article by embedding Rapid Selector expressions. When you click on one of these links, it is just as if you had typed the corresponding text into the Rapid Selector.

While interactive rapid selector commands are preceded by the / character in the search box, Rapid Selector links in Traction articles are written with the [[/link 'link text'::ProductAlpha np]] syntax. Rapid Selector commands are written into URLs by adding /rs/ then the Rapid Selector command. Here's an example:

http://get-traction.com:8080/rs/::productalpha np

Note: You can author URLs that include spaces and other special characters. The browser will generally replace the special character in the resulting URL with the corresponding numeric ASCII code. For example, a space will be encoded as %20.




Links to the New York Times.

URLs that appear in Traction articles are automatically turned into links.


References to other articles automatically become links. Note: you must type the full project name; prod74 would be ignored.

"[[/link ProductAlpha10 'See here']]"

Any text within single quotes inside the Rapid Selector expression will be displayed in the article instead of the default display of the link.

[[/link http://www.nytimes.com
'The New York Times']]

Link to the New York Times, but display the link as The New York Times rather than the full link: http://www.nytimes.com.

Note: This syntax for providing alt text for URLs works best in text-based edit forms, since the Rich Text forms on some browsers automatically create hyperlinks from URLs. When using the HTML Rich Text edit forms in Traction 3.6 and later, you should instead use the link icon in the edit form to create a link. Select the text you wish to be the link's title, then click the link icon. Enter the link's destination and target window in the dialog.

"ab :news"

Link to a brief view of :news label (for the project its called from) for all time.

"[[/link 'This week/'s Newspage' w np]]"

Link to this week's Newspage. Notice that the ' in "week's" was escaped (considered to be part of the text of the link rather than terminating it) by putting a backslash \ character before it. *

"[[/link "Some Market Research Project Articles" 9 54 312]]"

If this was submitted as part of an entry in the MarketResearch project, it would link to a multi-entry view of articles 9, 54 and 312.

"[[link 'a label view' :badlabel]]"

If the link uses a search expression that is not recognized, such as the non-existing label :badlabel in this example, the double brackets will be removed and the text between the brackets will be treated as raw text.


Link to attachment 2 of the current article. Can be placed anywhere in the article text without any brackets or other RS text.


Link to attachment 1 of article 74 in the ProductAlpha project.

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Article: Doc157 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:06:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer