Title: Getting to the Space ACL Editor

Getting to the Space Access Control List (ACL) Editor

In the Proteus skin, the Space ACL Editor can be launched from the Admin drop down. Select the Permissions option for the Space (rather than the Server).

You can also jump to Space Setup using the pull-down jump menu in all Admin Setup pages.

Once you're in Space Setup, click on the Permissions tab:

The ACL editor appears on the Permissions tab.

You can also open the ACL editor in a pop-up window. To do this, click the Access Control List link at the top of any setup view:

This opens the Access Control List editor window. You can switch between Spaces using the space selector at the top-right. You can also switch to the server access control list by clicking the Server link to the left of the space selector.

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Article: Doc127 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:03:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer