Title: Edit an Article

Two permissions govern what articles you can edit: Edit and Edit own Articles. These permissions are controlled on a per-project basis. If you have Edit own Articles, you can edit any article you originally posted. If you have Edit permission, you can edit any article in the project, regardless of who originally posted the article.

Using the Article Editor

As shown below, you can edit an article by clicking edit in the frame that appears around an article or paragraph when you hover your cursor over it. You can also click more to display the Context Menu, then select Edit Article or you can click Edit Article in the right sidebar of single-article views.

This pops up the Article Editor, which is the same as is used to add a new article. A few edits have been made in the example below:

You can use the rich text controls to style the text, and you can drag and drop images from other web pages into the text or insert them with the Insert/Edit Image tool.

If you add a paragraph between two paragraphs, Traction will create a "Traction Item" (using the next available number, regardless of location in the flow of text) after you submit your article. The Article Editor will manage this for you automatically.

Important: It is safe to change the order of paragraphs or make new paragraphs, but keep in mind that comments and labels are associated with the paragraph's "Traction Item marker." The Article Editor should maintain the item markers referenced by comments as part of the HTML markup, however if you find a comment no longer refers to the correct item, you will need to edit the comment's relationship or revert the article to the prior version. Labels can simply be removed from the incorrect item and added to the correct one.

While you are in the Article Editor, you can add and remove labels by clicking on Add Labels. This will bring up the Choose Labels dialog form:

By default, the Choose Labels form will let you select labels from the project the article being edited is in, but you can change projects by clicking Change project or by typing in the project name starting with colon (i.e. :projectname). When typing into the Type a label box, TeamPage will auto-complete the entry based on existing labels that contain the typed string. You can either use your cursor to select one of the suggested labels or continue typing until only one match is given and then hit return to select it.

Using TIP 2 Rather than the Article Editor

If you prefer, you can set a preference to use the Traction Instant Publisher for posting and editing instead of the HTML form. This preference is set in the Instant Publisher Preferences section of the Preferences interface.

Single Article View

The resulting article will now look like this in the single article view, with an Article tab to view the content and a History tab to view the edit history:

Moderated Publishing and Named Pages

Note that additional options appear in the Article Editor if moderated publishing and/or named pages are being used in the project that contains the article being edited. There will also be additional actions recorded in the History tab when these capabilities are being used.

Edit History

Traction keeps a complete edit history. If you have Edit privileges and an article has an edit history, you will be able to view an article's edit history by clicking the History tab.

For instance, for this example, you can click the History tab to see the revision history and compare versions:

When you click Compare Selected Versions, you see a side by side comparison showing additions and deletions. You can also click to edit from a previous version:

Cross References

The Cross References view is another way to view an article's history, including many actions beyond just the edit history. The cross references link will appear in article details when other articles link to it. If it does not appear you can type the Rapid Selector expression /x in the search box to access this powerful view which provides a historical view of the article and related references:

It will provide a map view of all edits (updates), comments, references, reclassifications and other changes associated with this article.

See Audit Trail for more detail on this feature.

Editing Relationships

The Edit Relationships option appears in the browser based Article Editor (Not in the TIP). This form allows you to remove or change relationships like "comments on" between articles, or to add additional relationships.

Lets take the example of a comment within a comment on an article. If we want to change the location of the comment, we can modify its comments on relationship so that it comments on the main article paragraph rather than the comment in which it is embedded.

We can right-click on the comment and choose Edit Article.

This shows the comment in the Edit form.

We can click the Edit Relationships link to open the Edit Relationships dialog.

If we want to remove the comments on relationship, we could just clear our the "to Article ID" field. But in this case, we want to make it comment on Engineering6.03 (the paragraph within the lead article) rather than the first paragraph of the comment (Engineering8.01) it is commenting on.

Now, after we click Done and click to submit the Edit Comment form, the comment now appears at the bottom of the comment stack rather than embedded on the first one:

Let's not do that. Instead, we'll add an additional relationship, and create a new one.

To add another relationship, we click the More Relationships button.

It is a rare case where you may want to edit relationships, but its a great capability to know about! In another example, here is a case were additional relationships are added from scratch

You can also create new relationship types by clicking "Create a New Relationship".

Then typing a name for the relationship.

For more information on custom relationships, see Tags vs. Entry Tags vs. Links vs. Relationships.

The most common use of this form is changing comments on relationships.

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Article: Doc74 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 3:55:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer