Title: Configuring SMTP

On the Server Setup | Email tab you can specify the address of an SMTP server.

Many more options are available in the Advanced Settings window, which you can access by clicking the Advanced Settings button.

This displays the Server Email Settings window. This window is divided into three sections: SMTP Connection Settings, Default Project Mailbox Settings., and Advanced Connection Settings.

SMTP Server IP Address

Enter the IP address of your SMTP server here.


This governs how Traction authenticates to your SMTP server.

Use SMTP Authentication

If your server supports authentication, we suggest you change this setting from no to yes.

This will open up a username and password control:

Enter the username and password of a user who is allowed to send mail using your SMTP server.

Important! Note: The password will be stored encrypted in Traction. When testing SMTP, the password will be disclosed to server administrators. Users who do not have Administer Server permissions will not see the password.

Use POP Pre-Authentication

While relatively rare, some mail providers require that you read email from their POP server before you can send email using their SMTP server.

If your provider requires this type of authentication, change this setting to yes.

Enter the POP server's IP address, and the appropriate email account's username and password.

Note: No mail will be downloaded or deleted from the specified account.


Traction supports both STARTTLS and SMTPS protocols.

Most administrators prefer STARTTLS, wherein a secure connection is negotiated after making an unencrypted connection if both the client and server support the protocol.

Traction also supports SMTPS, which opens an SSL connection to SMTP server running on a specific port.

Important! If your mail server's certificate is not signed by a top-level certificate authority, you must configure Traction to trust your mail server. You do this using the Overview of the Trust Manager, which you can launch using the link in the tip text.

The best time to launch the Trust Manager is after you have tried to test your connection and gotten the error: javax.mail.MessagingException: Can't send command to SMTP host; nested exception is: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found. The server's certificate will then be listed in the list of untrusted certificates and can be added to the list of trusted certificates with one click. This is covered in the example below.

SMTP Connection Settings


This control lets you identify what port your SMTP server runs on.

The two most popular ports for SMTP are 25 and 587. Many systems enforce a 20-second wail period before sending mail on port 25. If you are using SMTPS you will need to enter the port your SMTPS server runs on, normally 465.


The final SMTP options you may need to modify are in the Advanced Connection Settings section.

Connection Timeout

The Connection Timeout governs how long Traction will wait for an SMTP server to answer a connection request.. If your server has a very long timeout specified (sometimes done to prevent abuse) you may need to increase this number.

Conversation Timeout

This setting controls how long Traction will wait for a non-responsive mail server before terminating the connection and abandoning the attempt to send mail.

Saving and Testing the Configuration

When you believe the settings have been entered correctly, click the Apply button at the bottom of the page.

After you apply your changes, the Test SMTP button at the top of the page becomes enabled.

A window pops up showing the test results.

If you see the error listed, you need to add your mail server's certificate to the list of trusted certificates.

To do this, launch the trust manager by clicking the link next to the Encryption Type selector.

When the Trust Manager pops up, navigate to the list of Untrusted Certificates.

Select each certificate by clicking its name in the top panel, then click the button "Add to Trusted Certificates".

Each certificate you add will disappear from this page.

You can now switch to the page that lists the Trusted Certificates:

This page lets you verify and edit the list of trusted certificates. You can also upload a certificate to this page directly using the Browse button.

You can now close the window and repeat your mail test.

After you repeat the test, you should see the message, "SMTP tests succeeded. Mail settings appear to be configured properly."

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Article: Doc45 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 3:51:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer