Title: Template Articles

In TeamPage, a template is simply an article that either belongs to a collection that has been designated as a template collection, or that has been individually designated as a template article for a section. When a article is used as a template, its current title, content, tags, attachments and all properties are all copied into the editor for you to modify and use as you choose. As in all other cases, your TeamPage system will not allow a user to use a template article unless the user has permission to read the article (likewise, tags will not be loaded along with the rest of the template article for users who do not have permission to apply them).

Email Reply Collections

Shared Templates

A server administrator may wish to specify a collection of articles to be offered as shared templates for any user who can read them. This is especially useful when TeamPage is used to receive and respond to email messages: users replying to messages may find it useful to have a set of boilerplate responses from which to start their reply.

Administrators can choose a shared template collection on the Server Setup | Email page's Composition tab, using the "Shared Article Templates" setting. Administrators can choose one of their own collections, or another user's collection. (Although the setting appears in the context of email configuration, they can be used for new articles, new comments, or new email replies.)

Personal Templates

Individual users can select one of their own collections as a personal template collection using the "Article Templates" setting on the Personal Setup | Preferences page's Editing tab.

Loading Shared or Personal Templates

When shared or personal template articles are available, they will be listed in the Template / Private Draft selector that appears near the top left corner of the standard Create New Article, Add Comment, Edit Article or Email Reply views. To load a template article, select it in the list and click the Load button.

Template Articles for Sections

When configuring a section, an administrator or author may wish to specify an article that should be used as a template article when a user clicks the "Add to Section" link at the top of a section. Be sure to choose a template article that users who are using the "Add to Section" feature are able to read, and whose tags they will able to apply.

(* Note that forms such as those used to create new tasks, milestones, projects and other special entry types in the Proteus skin do not currently support template articles.)

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Article: Doc83 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 3:56:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer